Sunday 31 October 2010

‘The diplomacy today’

When we talk about traditional diplomacy we usually associate it with the period of separation, isolation and distance- difficult to overcome- among countries. We may think of some exclusive cooperation and secret agreements involving merely a couple of states . Undoubtedly, at that time it was the best kind of diplomacy considering the narrow agenda and ‘the nightwatchman role’ of states (Brian White, ‘Diplomacy 2005:387-403). Diplomats and heads of states did not put any premium on expanding the number of actors engaged into particular issue. However, times has changed dramatically. Therefore the we had to adjust to new conditions. In the wake of internationalization and globalization, the main characteristics of diplomacy had to undergo some major improvements, as well. Nevertheless, it does not mean that the need for traditional diplomacy has completely vanished. In my opinion, there is a place for ‘the old diplomacy’ but unquestionably the importance of the new way of conducting it is far more required today.

To start with, I have to mention the creation of worldwide networks and multilateral treaties - the result of processes which societies, economics and , cultures went through the last few decades(Fred Halliday 1994;2). The old world’s order simply broke down as an effect of natural development each civilization is subject to. ‘ the global village’ mans nothing but global issues. Here arose the call for transformation of communication amongst countries. States’ representatives had to acquire new skills which were more up-to-date and start the age of ‘the new diplomacy’.

At this point, I can give an example of the UN. The sessions of the great assembly often concern contemporaneous problems. The representatives from 192 countries meet to discuss various problems. In September a High-level Meeting on Revitalizing the Work of the Conference on Disarmament and Taking Forward Multilateral Disarmament Negotiations took place , as well as, High-level meeting of the General Assembly as a contribution to the International Year of Biodiversity. Every year there are held numerous conferences concerning for instance environmental issues, the human rights and many many more. Click here for more information

The EU is the next great idea which integrates countries in Europe. It proved to be extremely helpful to each of its members. Many of them thanks to acceding it were able boosts theirs national economies. The EU Parliament meets to discuss issues significant not only in the old continent. This week representatives are due to rise the problem of the Crisis in the EU livestock sector, the Innovation partnerships and Demographic challenge and solidarity between generations. Click here for more info

Lately, David Cameron has had a conversation with USA president and Yemeni leaders after an explosive device was found on a US-bound plane in Britain. Thanks to the fact that the diplomacy today is open we have access to many details of the conversation. More info here

The Southeast Asia Treaty Organization is also worth mentioning. Although SEATO was dissolved on June 30, 1977 it is an appropriate evidence that the international cooperation in politics was a common need. Therefore, the efforts to build the foundation for strong multilateral diplomacy concerning multitude of issues have their roots in many historical integration ideas.

To conclude the above arguments, I would like to say that I do not undermine the value of the traditional diplomacy. I believe that it is still of great importance in some political aspects. However, at the present when there are some many clashes, conflicts and instability we should be the advocates of this new diplomacy as it may be our only solution for striking a balance in the world.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your point of view that multilateral systems and treaties play an important role in the new diplomacy. The new diplomacy with the establishments of new multinational organisations, such as the UN and EU, seems to achieve better negotiation between states in dealing with some contemporary issues.
